美国俄亥俄州立大学胡佳副教授讲座:Getting Ahead, Getting Along, and Getting Prosocial: Examining Extraversion Facets, Peer Reactions, and Leadership Emergence

发布者:商学院办公室     时间:2018-06-08     阅读次数:2099

讲座题目:Getting Ahead, Getting Along, and Getting Prosocial: Examining Extraversion Facets, Peer Reactions, and Leadership Emergence

主讲人:胡佳 Jia (Jasmine) Hu  美国俄亥俄州立大学费舍尔商学院组织和人力资源副教授




Abstract: In this talk, I will present a working paper on leadership emergence in self-managed teams. In this paper, drawing upon socioanalytic theory of personality, we hypothesize and test inverted U-shaped relationships between team members’ assertiveness and warmth (i.e., the “getting ahead” and “getting along” facets of extraversion) and peers’ reactions (i.e., advice seeking by peers and peer liking, respectively) which, in turn, predict members’ emergence as informal leaders in self-managed teams. Integrating research on prosocial motivation, we also examine prosocial motivation as a moderator that enhances the positive curvilinear influences of assertiveness and warmth on peer reactions. Based on 223 members in 69 student project teams (Study 1) and 337 employees in 82 self-managed work teams (Study 2), we found support for the inverted U-shaped relationships between assertiveness and advice seeking by peers, and between warmth and peer liking. Further, prosocial motivation enhances the inverted U-shaped effect of assertiveness in Study 2 and those effects of warmth in both studies. Advice seeking by peers and peer liking, in turn, were positively related to leadership emergence in both studies. Our findings have important theoretical and practical implications for dispositional and motivational factors that shape peer reactions and facilitate leadership emergence in teams.


胡佳现任美国俄亥俄州立大学费舍尔商学院组织和人力资源副教授,美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥商学院博士毕业。胡佳的研究兴趣主要是团队领导的有效性以及团队的利他动机和行为。胡佳的研究成果包括近二十篇学术论文发表于顶级管理学期刊比如管理学报(Academy of Management Journal,2篇),应用心理学学报(Journal of Applied Psychology,6篇),人事心理学 (Personnel Psychology,1篇),组织和人类决策过程(Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1篇),领导学季刊 (Leadership Quarterly, 5篇),以及哈佛商业评论 (Harvard Business Review, 1篇). 胡佳的研究论文曾被百余家美国媒体报道,其中包括纽约时报,华盛顿日报,财富,道琼斯新闻,雅虎新闻等。胡佳目前的教授课程主要是工商管理硕士(MBA)的领导力和团队管理。胡佳曾为美国麦肯锡咨询公司(纽约)提供咨询(2012到2014年)。


Jia (Jasmine) Hu is currently an Associate Professor of Management at the Fisher College of Business, the Ohio State University. Previously, Jasmine served on the faculty of the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame for five years. Jasmine received her Ph.D. with concentrations in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management from University of Illinois at Chicago. Jasmine’s primary research interests focus on understanding the interplay between leadership and teams, and leader characteristics and behaviors contributing to team effectiveness. Another main area that Jasmine has been working on is the formation and outcomes of prosocial motivation and behaviors. Jasmine's work has been evidenced in the management field’s top journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, and Harvard Business Review, and has been mentioned in media outlets, such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Fortune, ABC News, CNBC, MSN, CNS News, Huffington Post, and Yahoo! Finance. Jasmine's teaching experience includes courses of Organizational Behavior and Management Competencies at the undergraduate level and Leadership at the MBA level. In terms of consulting and applied experiences, Jasmine served as a consultant for Accenture (China) and McKinsey & Company (US) and conducted field research in companies across a variety of industries in both U.S. and China.



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